Survival training among the Mentawai

Survival can be practiced in many places. But doing so in contact with an ethnic group – the Mentawai – who have kept their relationship with Nature alive is a source of teaching that goes beyond simple technical learning. This small-group trip is a way of combining the teaching of basic techniques (filtering water, knowing what to eat, setting up a hammock…), mutual aid and collective intelligence, and a reconnection with the living world, far from technological devices…
And all of this accompanied by a top-notch survival instructor, familiar with the area and capable of ensuring your safety and benevolence.
Guiding principle
Challenge yourself and learn the basics of survival (making a fire, preparing a bivouac, finding food...) from a renowned instructor and accompanied by native guides who will share their knowledge of their tropical environment.
Indonesia: Sumatra & Siberut
10 days / 9 nights
up to you to suggest...
in English
Number of passengers
min.: 8 - max.: 12
Price range
from $2,000 to $3,000 per person (excluding international flights)
Learning level
Comfort level
Difficulty level
Program details day by day
We have chosen to break with the usual travel consumer habits by not sharing the day-by-day program with you, but rather a description of what awaits you, because we believe more in establishing a relationship of trust, from human to human. However, this detail may be communicated to you at a later date.
Siberut National Park comprises 1,905 km2 (47%) of the total area of Siberut Island in the Mentawai Islands of West Sumatra. The entire island, including the national park, is part of the World Network of Biosphere Reserves. Remarkable aspects of the park are its endemic flora and fauna, and its indigenous inhabitants, the Mentawai, who still live according to hunter-gatherer traditions. The Mentawai islands are thought to have been isolated from mainland Sumatra for over 500,000 years, giving rise to unique ecosystems.
From Sumatra, the group will head south to the island of Siberut, then paddle along the coast to a deserted island where the first part of the course will take place.
We’ll then return to the main island, where we’ll set up our first bivouacs in dugout canoes through dense forest. This second part will be an opportunity to share our knowledge with the Mentawai.
One of them is a shaman, a connoisseur of the ancient arts and a communicator with the spirits. This blend of survival training and living spirituality makes this trip a unique case of exchange!
The hardest part will be getting back to the big cities, promise made!